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The Sea Awaits Your Return | Nabuurs&VanDoorn

Project type

Site-specific installation


2013 - 14


The Sea Awaits Your Return, Łanźnia C.A.C. Gdansk, Poland 

The Sea Awaits Your Return |Nabuurs&VanDoorn

The Sea Awaits Your Return (2011-2014) presents a thorough investigation of recent Eurocentric history. The project bears a title that refers to a quote from the blockbuster film Pirates of the Caribbean (2003). The particular mix of ancient mythological figures in this film, the reference to the story of the ‘Flying Dutchman’(a mythological ghost ship doomed to sail the oceans eternally), and the framing of all this within the hallucinating extravaganza of Disney production, adequately marks Nabuurs & Van Doorn’s terrain. The project organically and chaotically morphs images to appear again and again as carriers of related but different perspectives, a technique common to 17th century art, when everyday objects in still life paintings and portraiture became projection screens for deep human emotions, death and transcendence.

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