The Metamorphic Sublime Inspired by both Michael Taussig's "Mastery Of Non-Mastery In The Age Of Meltdown" (2020) and the historical exodus of non- Catholics from the south of the Netherlands across the North Sea to Norwich (UK) in the Middle Ages. Nabuurs&VanDoorn filmed twilight hour. The light is that of magic hour torn apart, as it were, by cosmic trauma. The light is becoming curly in which being and non-being are transformed into the being of transforming forms. When light and dark slide into, over, and through each other, the world is de-realized and suspends being in becoming. The artists want to create an element with which they can perform sympathetic magic.
"Sympathetic magic comes from making a copy in ritual of that which is to be affected, and this has a twofold dynamic. First, the ritually fabricated copy acquires power simply by being a copy, and second, this power affects what the copy is a copy of, mimesis is thus not replication. We could say it is repitition with a difference and note that it is this, being the same and being different that is magical, not in a conceptual logic sort of way but in the materiality and sensuality of the items hovering in their medley of connectednesses." (Taussig)
